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###life in the cube: week one…

pros - it’s a change of scenery…work feels quite a bit different now and i like that…i’m also alot more productive it seems…not sure why exactly…maybe the drone of the “fortress of solitude” lulled me into a mental and social slumber and now that i’m free of it’s grasp i can finally ascend to the lofty heights that i know i’m destined for…at any rate, it’s too early to tell…

one thing is certain, however…that dilbert fella is a heckuva lot funnier to me now…the day also seems to pass alot quicker…maybe it’s because it’s no longer marked by such significant events as: shifting positions in my chair…lunch-friggin’-time…listening to phil hendrie…checking my email every 30 minutes…but now…well that brings me to the cons…

cons - now my day is broken up by every little conversation that goes on outside my cubicle or every single person that walks by…because now my “office space” is entirely open to a very high-traffic area…no more door to close to block out the outside world…which means i have to turn my music down so that it doesn’t eminate through the entire office…but i really need to turn it up because of all the racket going on…not to mention the fact that my cubicle neighbor is out on maternity leave…so when she gets back this summer my music will probably have to go down even lower all while i have to listen to her yackin’ on the phone all day long…what a fix…

and that’s just the beginning…i didn’t mention yet that there is a huge window right behind my head…i’m all exposed for the entire plant floor to gawk at all day…though if you think about it…large windows looking down on people are kinda awkward for both parties involved…obviously those folks don’t want me looking down on them all day…and i don’t want them staring up at me in my cube all day…whoever thought of such a dreadful thing?

here now are some photographs taken by me with my super-sleek spy camera-phone to further illustrate my point:

slide 1: this is my old office…notice that it has walls surrounding it…

slide 2: this is my new cubicle…notice there is not a huge difference from my office except for the window…

slide 3: however, this is the door to my old office…notice that there is an actual door that can be closed and actual walls…

slide 4: now, this is the “entrance” to my new cubicle…notice there is no door and it is completely open to the busy hallway…

ahh…the tales of woe from a quasi-engineer in small-town america…ain’t life grand…

notable quotes:

“For the first time in 20 years, PG-rated films hauled in more money than R-rated ones. With films like Shrek 2 and The Incredibles, PG-rated films cashed in a clean $2.3 billion. Ironic, how a Jesus film kept the R-rated films competitive…” -


alright…that’s all i’m gonna complain about my new digs at work…i devoted a whole entry to getting that out…i sware myself to silence from here on out…

speaking of silence…there will be a good bit of it coming from me this next week…at least digitally speaking…as i shall be heading down south with the fam on what many people have come to call a “vacation”…though i’m not too sure what an actual “vacation” is as i haven’t taken a real one in like two years…

so take some time…think alot about me…and shed a tear for the unfortunateness that is my life…

######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.

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Ryan Straits



Ghost States

The art of the in-between

   Mar 9, 2005 Home Mar 29, 2005