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so you’re sitting at home on a friday night…and typing to a blank white screen…when suddenly it hits you…

you have no life

you’ve denied it for a while…at first you thought nothing of the shadows creeping up in the corners of your mind…but now there’s no denying it…it’s staring you dead in the face…and your thoughts can only turn now to just where it was that you lost your way…

maybe it was left somewhere in the fray of customary circumstances…in the fringe of common denominators…or maybe it was just simply misplaced with all the good intentions of getting it back one day…all you know is that you don’t know…you don’t know where you are currently or how it is that you have come to find yourself there…and you definitely don’t know who this strange man is that faces you in the mirror nowadays…

but they can’t say that you’re not trying…you’re endeavoring all the more to be passionate…to be spontaneous…to inspire and be inspired…to forget that which is past and press toward all that lies before…to love and be loved…to make for times that will be remembered fondly…

but you’re realizing that you can’t get there alone…no, but you don’t want advice or cliched formalities…trivial statements or platitudes…you want interactionreal honesty…you want phone calls…late night conversations…maybe you just want contact period

and even more than these temporal substitutes…you’re realizing more and more that you absolutely need divine intervention…you need direction along this disillusioned path…you need grace…and a friend that sticketh closer than a brother…but what you really need…yes…what you desperately need is to know that you are loved

and you’re realizing that maybe you always have been…every broken step of the way…

######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.

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Ryan Straits



Ghost States

The art of the in-between

   Sep 12, 2005 Home Sep 21, 2005