well, i’m posting from my own home once again…it seems we’ve had a few hitches (literally, ha) in our tour plans already…there were some issues with the hitch and trailer the guys are renting to haul all the gear in so coby and chris (from discover america) were running around all day trying to get it figured out which in turn meant we couldn’t pack up for the long haul like we were hoping to…
thankfully they got the problem fixed just in time for us to make it to the show in bellville…which was pretty great i must say…the place we played at was actually an old opera house complete with a raised stage, curtains, wooden floors, etc…bellville was a very quaint, picturesque little town…right on the town square was a gazebo where a bluesgrass/country type group was performing for the locals…i kind of wished that i could’ve checked that out as well as listen to another fine round of performances from twjr and da…everyone’s sets are sounding much tighter and we’re getting alot of the pre-tour kinks worked out…
i forgot my camera down with my bags in new phila otherwise i would have taken some photos of the venue and posted them here…oh well…maybe i’ll remember to snap a few tomorrow when we play in kentucky…
which reminds me i need to get to bed as we are taking off in the early afternoon…
so long all…
######Note: This post is from a tour blog that I dutifully kept during the summer of 2007 while touring with the band State Bird. It lives on solely so that one day I can prove to my children that I was once cool.