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we’ll all float on…

thursday night i said goodbye…

i said goodbye to dry land as i got on a ship and left for uncharted waters…the deep, dark waters of…

atwood lake…

a whole group of us jumped on our good captain matt belknap’s sailboat and sailed the tempestuous waters of the almighty atwood lake…actually, it was quite a calm, event-free night on the lake…we were practically the only boat out…and there was just enough wind to leisurely glide us back and forth across the lake…captain matt shared some harrowing tales of life at sea with us landlubbers…we all shared a few laughs and a great many more hushed moments as we breathed in everything around us…the mainsail gently clapping above our heads…the starry sky far beyond our reach…and the bright, moonlit horizon distorted by the waves…

thursday night i also said goodbye to a good friend as he set off into uncharted waters of his own…life on the west coast…a path which i may very well choose for myself in the not so distant future (though i’ll more likely settle near warmer waters)…but that night i think i finally realized what i had been doubting for some time…a chapter in my life has closed…we are no longer at the humble beginning of things…we are at the end…and we must move on…solomon said “better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof”…we’re all different than we were at the beginning…and at least for me…that’s definitely better…so now the winds of change have pointed us in another direction…and from that end a new beginning will be formed…

so as i sat there with the full moon ahead and the lights of shore fading behind…i thought to myself…even though our paths have all parted like the waves displaced by this ship…i know we’ll all reconvene one day…somewhere in the churning, cascading wake of life…somewhere after the Holy Spirit fills our sails and sets us on our own courses in these uncharted waters…and we all find our own port of call…no matter how far from these coasts that may end up being…

goodbye and godspeed old friend…goodbye and godspeed old self…

“we’ll all float on alright…don’t worry…even if things end up a bit too heavy…we’ll all float on alright…”

######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.

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Ryan Straits



Ghost States

The art of the in-between

   Jun 03, 2004 Home Jun 17, 2004