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i need to finish a song…that would feel really good for me right about now…i have like three or four near completion…that’s the way it always goes for me though…i got this thing where i can’t officially complete anything of worth…it’s a subconscious tick of mine i guess…cuz maybe if i don’t finish it then when people say they don’t like it i can just mark it up to incompletion…

dang my subconscious is clever…wish he’d think for me all the time…

the all-glorious reappearance of the comment-inducing device known only as: thoughts of a passerby

“i’m going sixty in the passing lane…and i wouldn’t know if anyone is following me right on my tail because they want me to get over…you know why that is? because i have no rearview mirror…boy…ignorance sure is bliss…”

“hey gladys…what are those long white things with flashing lights up ahead?”…

“i don’t know walter…but we’re late for bridge club so just disregard them…maybe you’d better push the gas all the way up to the speed limit”…

“well i don’t think we’re that late…we needn’t go that fast…but maybe i should stop for those things…looks like they’re coming down over the railroad tracks roughly 50 feet in front of us”…

“well i’ve never seen that before…i wonder what it means”…

“by golly geez there’s a train coming…maybe i should stop what do you think gladys?”…

*both of today’s entries are based on actual events witnessed on my way to school one day last week…yes i nearly saw an old couple get flattened by an oncoming train…apparently they didn’t see the flashing lights or those big long rails coming down right in front of them…they stopped in time but were literally only feet from getting hit…and they say there shouldn’t be a maximum driving age? uhhh yeeeaa…

a successful trip to wal-mart includes: purchasing all of the items i initially set out to acquire…

an uber-successful trip to wal-mart includes: purchasing all of the items i initially set out to acquire…and not getting caught in an awkward conversation with a remote acquaintance…

an ultra-uber-successful trip to wal-mart includes: purchasing all of the items i initially set out to acquire…and not seeing or talking to anyone i remotely know at all

don’t wake me i plan on sleeping in…

######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.

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Ryan Straits



Ghost States

The art of the in-between

   Apr 19, 2005 Home May 29, 2005