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and now for some meaningless filler in-between ryan’s cohesive posts…

daily adventures in the life of chad and ryan, engineering extraordinaires:

quoting random song lyrics as we hear them playing on our mp3 playlists…as well as lines from various other outlets including but not limited to: dilbert and office space…

thinking of possible ways that we could use the plant paging system as a means to send coded messages back and forth…

using charts and graphs to track salary co-workers late arrivals and early departures from work…this is so we may have evidence and visual aids for future presentations in which we will propose giving the money wasted on paying these employees for hours they don’t work to charity…or to us…either one…

numa numa numa numa numa….

making way too many jokes based on the material from any of the dull engineering classes we take down at the branch…which would most likely sound like utter babble to the untrained ear…

recording whole conversations only in l33t (aka geek-speak) and ghetto-speak…it is rox0r fo shiz…yes, we are that lame…and lead horribly disinteresting lives…

dreaming up ways to branch off and start our own engineering/consulting firm (affectionately dubbed “bs consulting”…after our respective last names…of course) and then our current employers would have to outsource all their drawing needs to us and we’d charge them way too much money for the little work we actually do…how grand…

“cad cussing”…aka using various functions/commands of the popular drafting program as common euphemisms…(example: dim it you axis-hole…dim you to hatch)…it’s the sensation sweeping the nation folks…

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring…banana phone…

######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.

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Ryan Straits



Ghost States

The art of the in-between

   Jul 27, 2005 Home Aug 8, 2005