
listening to: evanescence - bring me to life so we opened up for ace troubleshooter last nite…and it was a good time…although our set did not go so hot overall…we played good on the songs we practiced but not on the ones we didn’t practice…quite surprising…however te did a good job playing bass on such short notice…good job ol’ chap…the turnout was good at the show…which was very kool…we made all the money we needed to make ace and the sound guys happy…they all did a fine job and deserved the money so we didn’t have to forcefully give it to them… so my stint w/ frankie delago and his comeback babies has come to an end…but don’t think this is the end of my musical career…for those of you who don’t know i am involved w/ the worship band from my church’s singles group called six:forty…i play the bass guitar and we are going on a “tour” of sorts this summer hitting up several youth camps over about a 6 week period…we also may be recording this spring to have a cd for all the kiddies this summer… i will also be concentrating on writing material for my own musical endeavors which have not seen the light of day as of yet…i hope to change that in the near future… …and last but never least…hopefully you should all be hearing alot more about litwik coming up here shortly…we have contracted the services of our friend alan howe to do some managerial work for us and he has entered us in the 7project which if we win will get us a spot at the alive festival…so, it’s a start… how bout some comments folks? i feel like i’m typing to a brick wall… hasta luego and the comeback…maybe? 12:55 am ######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.