it is time…
the xanga god’s that be have shined down upon me…the period of silence is over…
so it’s been 2 weeks…and really nothing new has happened…here i sit at work on the downhill slide of my day…the action has sharply risen…and now slowly fallen…i’m excited for the weekend ahead…hoping i get to spend some time in my basement experimenting with the various recording and guitar-playing devices i have ill-advisedly purchased on ebay…
my goal for the summer: to have a 4-song ep recorded of my own music ready to hand out to eager listeners…
my goal for the fall: find eager listeners…or at least a few of my friends who will feign eagerness for my own delight…
so now on to a bit of good and bad news…first the good news (because i’m an optimistic loser…for the most part)…i’m all cleared for my trip to cali this summer…just checked with dick today about it…june 20-26 i will be gracing so-cal with my presence…i’m uber-excited for this trip…cam also got us an extra day out there…which i believe we will be spending up in la…heck yea…ok so now for the bad news: i will not be able to grace pine trail camp in michigan with my presence for the 3rd year in a row this august…i’m bummed about it but God has given me a peace about not being able to go this year…i think things will go swimmingly without me…i may (hopefully) pop up there for a day and half to hang w/ all the kiddies if work allows…overall, this should be a pretty kick-arse summer…
and now a note on the war in iraq…a bit of a drastic subject change i know…but i’m getting increasingly sick of the mass amount of crap that is being broadcasted to us by the media…i’m not going to spout off to you my particular political point of view or bash any particular leaders or groups of people…if there is one thing i’ve learned from all this lately, it’s this: we are all human beings…we are all incredibly sinful…and there is nothing we can do to change that on our own…for all those of you who are wondering what’s going to happen or what will come of the war…just know this…there will never be true peace on this earth as long as humans are involved…never…we are imperfect, selfish, and terribly closeminded (btw…isn’t it funny how the people who parade themselves as being openminded are actually the most closeminded of them all?)…we will never be able to understand each other fully or totally comprehend why we do the things we do…why? because we are all stuck with the curse of subjectiveness…we can only understand what we know in our own minds (which is shaped by our parents, our upbringing, our circumstances, etc.)…we can only see the world with our own two eyes…and so on…as an american we will never know what it’s like to grow up in iraq…to experience the feelings, thoughts, etc. that a person there would face…just as that person would not know what it is like to grow up here in american as we have…how can we then go about truly understanding each other? how can that happen? obviously…it requires objectiveness…and as much as we humans try…we will never truly grasp it…there is only one that can…the only one who can bring about true peace…and that’s the Lord God Himself…so as long as men reign on the thrones of their hearts…there will never be peace on this earth…war or no war…diplomacy or no diplomacy…no matter the method, no matter the political persuasion…the results will always be imperfect and flawed in the end…just like the men who fight for them…so why fight (or die) for a cause that is absolutely meaningless in the end? why strive to bring about something that is inevitably flawed and imperfect? this world will one day fade away…along with everything in it…that much is for sure…if you don’t get anything from the news…you should at least get that…this is not how things are meant to be and it is exponentially getting worse…the only thing that is going last past this present world are the souls of men…those of us who claim Jesus Christ to be our Lord should then be striving to do that which he has called us to do…abandon all and follow wholeheartedly after him…it’s then that you’ll realize what matters most to him…not a cause, a political persuasion, a religious affiliation, a war or whatever we come up with next…it’s the hearts of men that matter…so why waste what little time we have left? so finally, jim brought up a great point sunday morning…around the holidays we bid each other with “peace on earth, good will toward man!”…it sounds good…but in reality we should say “peace in our hearts, and God’s will toward man”…peace only works from the inside out…it’s not something that can be driven into a man’s heart…it first has to start with an internal change of mind and of spirit…
have a great weekend folks…
######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.