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ok so i just realized that my posts are way too long…i even intended for my last one to be short and it ended up being long because i got this crazy idea that i’d talk about God and politics…

so maybe i should just start breaking those long posts up into a lot of shorter entries…would that work? hmmm…maybe i should just start keeping things to a minimum…well at least i’ll try…i’ve noticed alot of people lose interest before they reach the comments link…because my comments as of late have diminished quite a bit…i think i need to have a meeting w/ my pr team to see if i’ve possibly oversaturated myself…

so this week i will be purchasing a new cellphone…one with a whole load of whirly-gig’s and kalamazoo’s…they might even throw in a few zip-zam’s or jiggy-wallup’s…only if i’m lucky though…i think they have a deal that if you buy now you’ll receive a pack of zackerdoo’s and some triple fudge go-go’s…only while supplies last of course…as you can tell, i’m riddled with glee…


######Note: This post is from a very old Xanga blog of mine. A very, very old blog. In fact, it’s practically a museum. Be sure not to touch any old references or links. You won’t break them, they are most certainly already broken.

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Ryan Straits



Ghost States

The art of the in-between

   May 21, 2004 Home May 27, 2004